Peggy Deamer is Professor of Architecture at Yale University. She is a Principal in the firm of Deamer, Architects and before that, Deamer + Phillips, Architects. She received a B.Arch from the Cooper Union and a Ph.D from Princeton University. The work of her firms has appeared in Dwell, The New York Times, Architectural Record and House and Garden, amongst others. Articles by Deamer have appeared in Assemblage, Praxis, Log, Perspecta, and Harvard Design Magazine, amongst others journals and anthologies. She is the editor of The Millennium House, Architecture and Capitalism: 1845 to the Present and The Architect as Worker: Immaterial Labor, The Creative Class, and The Politics of Design. She is co-editor of Building in the Future: Recasting Architectural Labor, BIM in Academia, and Re-Reading Perspecta. She is the founding member of the Architecture Lobby, a group advocating for the value of architectural design and labor. Her current research explores the relationship between subjectivity, design, and labor in the current economy.
Online Lecture | Peggy Deamer
Thursday, March 11, 2021
7:00 PM – 8:30 PM
The Republic Building
333 2nd Street
Columbus, IN 47201
333 2nd Street
Columbus, IN 47201