Fashion Design’s Heather Akou article "The Politics of Covering the Face: From the 'Burqa Ban' to the Facekini" published in "Fashion Theory: The Journal of Dress, Body & Culture"
Fashion Design’s Heather Akou article "The Politics of Covering the Face: From the 'Burqa Ban' to the Facekini" published in "Fashion Theory: The Journal of Dress, Body & Culture"
IU Office of the Bicentennial commissions new murals on Bloomington, Kokomo campuses
Mural projects will be installed in Wright Quad and Presidents Hall on the Bloomington campus, as well as at IU Kokomo.
Matt Starr and partner Ellie Sachs were featured on CBS Sunday Morning for their recreation of the classic film, "Annie Hall."
Fashion Design alumnus, Masha Titievsky featured in Elle Magazine, UK
Masha Titievsky's brand VARYFORM expresses change over time and the transformative nature of clothing, and was featured in Elle Magazine's November 2018 edition.
Indiana University Celebrates Support for New Architecture Program, Facility
This week, IU President Michael A. McRobbie joined university leaders, faculty, students and members of the Columbus community to express gratitude for the generous support that has made the new J. Irwin Miller Architecture Program and its new home possible and took a tour of the newly renovated Republic Building.
Matt Starr, Studio Art B.F.A. Alumnus one of fifty artists to create cover art for New York Magazine
In October 2017,New York Magazine launched its 50th anniversary celebration with a special issue called "My New York." The magazine reached out to New York artists, like Matt Starr, to create cover art that represents what New York looks like to them right now.
Ask the Expert: How to approach Black Friday as a conscious consumer
Learn how to be a conscious consumer this holiday season from apparel merchandising senior lecturer and director of the Center for Innovative Merchandising, Mary Embry.
James Nakagawa featured in The Sankei News
James Nakagawa featured in The Sankei News for his photo exhibition, "Eclipse," in Tokyo.
The Office of International Services created a scholarship in honor of their 75th anniversary, one of which was awarded to B.S. in Apparel Merchandising, Vivienne Siswanto.
Merchandising students place first and second in ITAA Poster Competition
Indiana University Apparel Merchandising students won both first and second place in the Educators for Socially Responsible Apparel Practices Poster Competition at the annual ITAA Conference.
Studio Art B.F.A Alumna Sougwen Chung featured in Artnet News
Studio Art B.F.A. alumnus Sougwen Chung's work spans installation, sculpture, drawing, and performance, and explores mark-making by both hand and machine in order to better understand the interactions between humans and computers.
Meet three students in IU's new J. Irwin Miller Architecture Program
Inside IU caught up with three students who are part of the program’s first cohort. Learn more about their journey.
Kelly Richardson published in Costume Society of America
Curator of the Sage Fashion Collection, Kelly Richardson, writes about the collection, one of the oldest college/university costume collections in the United States.
Painting M.F.A. Alumnus Greg Burak spotlighted in Art in America
Though sedate in atmosphere, the paintings in Greg Burak’s exhibition (all 2018) trembled with expectant energy. At first glance, they read as straightforward domestic tableaux populated with figures decked out in a 1970s aesthetic—cardigans, flared pants, shaggy hairstyles—but each soon revealed some type of paranormal activity occurring at the heart of the scene. Burak (b. 1986) deftly conjures the particular sense of exhilaration and terror—the stillness—that can accompany flirtations with the other side, while also offering compositions that are compelling on strictly formal terms.
James Nakagawa receives Honored Educator award at SPE Midwest
Distinguished Professor of Photography, James Nakagawa, recieves Honored Educator award at the Society for Photographic Education (SPE) Conference in Lexington, Kentucky where more than 300 internationally-recognized artists, educators, and students were in attendance.
On a Tuesday afternoon in September at Public School 42 on Hester Street, there were drinks spilled on the floor of the cafeteria and wadded-up notebook paper littered here and there. Tiny chairs for tiny students were arranged in loose lines, barely at knee height, but P.S. 42’s students weren’t coming.
SoAAD Merchandising students named semi-finalists for NRF Foundation’s 2019 Next Gen Scholarship
WASHINGTON – The NRF Foundation today announced 25 students as semi-finalists for its Next Generation Scholarship program, which provides financial support to college students pursuing careers or majors relevant to retail.
Priceless: Collector, former art teacher gifts extensive collection of African art to IU museum
When David Brenneman began working as director for the Sidney and Lois Eskenazi Museum of Art at Indiana University, he was on the lookout for collectors. That’s how he met Bill Itter, IU professor emeritus of fine arts, and eventually found himself in Itter’s home, checking out his collection of African ceramics, textiles and baskets.
Transformative estate gift brings endowment and African art to IU
BLOOMINGTON, Ind. -- The Sidney and Lois Eskenazi Museum of Art and the School of Art, Architecture + Design at Indiana University have announced a transformative estate gift, with an estimated value of close to $4 million, from painter, collector and IU Professor Emeritus of Fine Arts William "Bill" Itter. The endowment portion of the gift is matched as part of the $3 billion For All: The Indiana University Bicentennial Campaign.
Jon Racek teams up with a school in Rwanda to make practical, yet life-changing, 3D printed objects
When it comes to any of his projects, Racek's goal is to create something that is sustainable in the communities he works in. That means materials need to be easily accessible, community members and benefactors put in sweat equity, and people are trained to be able to create/expand the projects themselves.
IU's J. Irwin Miller Architecture Program settles into newly renovated Republic Building in Columbus
The first cohort of master's students in the Indiana University Bloomington School of Art, Architecture + Design's J. Irwin Miller Architecture Program have settled in to The Republic Building in Columbus, Indiana, the newly renovated home for the program.
IU cross-country runner looks beyond the finish line to a career in interior design
Indiana University Bloomington senior cross-country runner Katherine Receveur is looking forward to her final season while getting excited to start her career in a field she loves. She is pursuing a degree in interior design through the School of Art, Architecture + Design.
Wishes + Fractured Vision explores a kind of dark storytelling that eschews formulaic children’s narratives in order to promote self-efficacy, learning and participation. The medium of fairytale offers a safe space outside our normal expectations as an axiom where assumptions can be manipulated, ultimately prompting us to ask a different set of questions.
The Republic Newspaper highlights community value of the new Miller M.Arch program
An important moment for higher education in Bartholomew County occurred a little more than three weeks ago. That’s when Indiana University’s new J. Irwin Miller Architecture program commenced in Columbus.
FPOAFM Nomadic Art/Craft Collective presents BRIXTAPE an exhibition of bricks and music. Merging the participatory spirit of a mixtape traded to a friend with the bluntness of a brick thrown through a window, FPOAFM has mailed 30 artists a found clay brick and with it asked them to depict their most inspirational musician or band.
Two Miller M.Arch faculty awarded Exhibit Columbus University Design Research Fellowships
Following a successful launch in 2016-17, Exhibit Columbus recently announced the recipients of the 2018-19 Exhibit Columbus University Design Research Fellowship, which showcases current research by leading architecture and design professors teaching at public institutions located in America's Heartland. Universities in the region were invited to submit proposals demonstrating innovative research that explores how architecture and design can improve people's live and strengthen cities.
Nearly two dozen students excited to be part of something new started classes in something old — yet distinctly Modern. Inside First Christian Church, one of the most well-known designs of renowned Finnish architect Eliel Saarinen, Indiana University’s new J. Irwin Miller Architecture Program commenced Monday in downtown Columbus.
Indiana Daily Student highlights new Grunwald Gallery exhibition “Out of Easy Reach”
The Grunwald Gallery of Art will celebrate the work of 24 female, U.S.-based artists from the Black and Latinx Diasporas in an exhibition titled "Out of Easy Reach."
New SoAAD faculty, Andréa Stanislav, featured in Inside IUB “Faculty Class” story
Indiana University Bloomington is welcoming 307 new full-time faculty from 35 countries this fall, continuing its commitment to being a community of scholars that attracts and retains an excellent faculty.
A tight shot of a bespectacled man in a tan suit appears on the screen. “The other important joke for me is one that’s, uh, usually attributed to Groucho Marx, but I think it appears originally in Freud’s wit and its relation to the unconscious,” he says. “And it goes like this — well, I’m paraphrasing: ‘I would never wanna belong to any club that would have someone like me for a member.’ ”
Jawshing Arthur Liou’s “Saga Dawa” featured in NYT art review of the Rubin Museum
It flies and flows and creeps. You measure it, spend it, waste it. It’s on your side, or it’s not. We’re talking about time, and so is the Rubin Museum of Art, one of the biggest-thinking small museums in Manhattan. The Rubin is devoting its entire 2018 season and all six floors of galleries in Chelsea to time as a theme, with an accent on the future, a future which is making some of us nervous these days.
Rowland Ricketts’ indigo harvesting featured in the Herald-Times
Wearing a straw hat and rubber boots, Rowland Ricketts harvested a crop of indigo plants at the corner of 10th Street and Pete Ellis Drive. The gentle hum of his harvester's engine was drowned out by the roars of cars and trucks passing through the busy intersection. "This has been a challenging year," Ricketts said last week about growing indigo at the farm. Some time ago, the top soil was removed, making it more difficult to grow plants, which are usually hip-high when they are harvested. The tallest plants Ricketts was harvesting came to his mid-thigh, some to below his knee.
Metalsmithing + Jewelry’s Nicole Jacquard featured in CEWiT’s faculty spotlight
Last November, Nicole Jacquard, an assistant professor at Indiana University’s School of Art, Architecture + Design and an affiliate of CEWiT, was awarded a fellowship from the Fulbright Program, a highly competitive international education exchange program sponsored by the U.S. government. She was among 12 IU faculty members from campuses all across the state.
T. Kelly Wilson featured on Chicago's WGN9 "Cruisin' Indiana"
COLUMBUS, Ind. -- South of Indianapolis, architecture lovers from around the world are traveling to the small city of Columbus. The population is less than 47,000 people, but it’s impact is huge on architecture and urban design.
Join us for our last salon before we break for the summer. On June 13 we are thrilled to welcome Dr. Heather Akou from Indiana University. She is an associate professor of fashion design, and was recently named the director of the Sage Fashion Collection, one of the most prestigious collections of its kind in the country.
Merchandising Alumnus Garrett Ledbetter chats with the NRF about his retail career path
When we met Garrett Ledbetter in 2015, he was a full-time student at Indiana University while holding down a full-time position at Macy’s. It was not surprising to anyone when this curious and talented young man was honored as a finalist for the NRF Foundation’s Next Generation Scholarship and found a leadership role in retail quickly after graduating.
Minjeong Kim among the 2018-19 Bloomington campus Mosaic Faculty Fellows
Instructors seek to enhance student success by exploring intersection of classroom space, technology and pedagogy. BLOOMINGTON, Ind.—Now in its third year, Indiana University’s Mosaic Active Learning Initiative bolsters innovative classroom design, research, and support for all IU classrooms. The goal, as always, is to enhance student learning.
A winner in the ICFF Studio competition, Black Kaleidoscope by Jialun Xiong, a recent graduate from the ArtCenter College of Design, in Pasadena, Calif.
Indiana University senior, Beth Maben, has always had an interest in East Asian culture ever since she was first introduced to Japanese anime in middle school.“The United States has a lot to offer, but I really enjoy learning about other cultures,” said Maben.
My passion for architecture was kindled in a distinctly Chicago way: fire. In 1970, 99 years after the Great Fire incinerated most of downtown Chicago, a Christmas Eve blaze destroyed the editorial and business offices of the now-defunct newspaper, The Daily Register, that my father, Arthur Kamin, edited in the Jersey Shore town of Red Bank. I was 13 at the time.
Designed to Celebrate the Press, a 1970s SOM Building Will Become an Architecture Program
Indiana University has purchased the Columbus, Ind., building that Myron Goldsmith designed for a local newspaper for the school's new M.Arch. program.
I give huge credit to my influential instructors throughout my education that guided me to where I am in my career today. My high school photography/art teacher and painter Louie Laskowski encouraged me to sign up for Photo II and took us traveling to NYC and Mexico. My Indiana University BFA Photography professor, James Nakagawa, taught us how to “push” our work and is whom I assisted in Okinawa for work which won him a Guggenheim fellowship.
Indiana University purchases former Republic building to house master’s program
An architecturally significant building constructed more than four decades ago to produce newspapers and anchor a downtown Columbus redevelopment has a new purpose. The former Republic building, at 333 Second St., which became a National Historic Landmark in 2012, will become the home of Indiana University’s new Master of Architecture program that starts in the fall semester.
Indiana University architecture program to inhabit SOM modernist landmark
When the local newspaper in Columbus, Indiana no longer needed its landmark headquarters building, completed in 1971 by Myron Goldsmith of Skidmore Owings and Merrill (SOM), the future of the building became unclear. Rumors swirled, but eventually the perfect local partner—the new Indiana University (IU) M.Arch program—pulled through to take over the structure, which was designated a National Historic Landmark in 2012.
IU announces new home and name for Master of Architecture degree program
COLUMBUS, Ind. -- Indiana University has announced the acquisition by the IU Foundation of the former Republic Newspaper building in Columbus, Indiana, as a home for its new Master of Architecture degree program.
Merchandising Alumna launches pop up shop
Michelle Gilbert grew up in Andover, but she always dreamed of working in fashion, living in New York City, and one day owning her own business. Since graduating from Andover High School in 2006, she's done all that, and more.
Performance art collaboration opens annual IU Fashion Show
The annual IU Fashion Show is a milestone for students interested in retail studies and fashion design. This year, however, the show featured a new addition to the program: a performance art opening through a collaboration between fashion design students and a Performance Art and Object class.
IU interior design students create plans for new local family shelter facilities
Indiana University's School of Art, Architecture + Design interior design students are used to getting creative when resolving issues in their floor plans and project renderings. Now they're using that same creative problem-solving to help lessen the burden of an issue affecting the Bloomington community: homelessness.
With reproductive rights under siege in more surreptitious ways than ever before, the new installation—the brainchild of emerging young artist duo Ellie Sachs, 25, and Matt Starr, 29—envisions a particularly chilling scenario. Sachs and Starr, who teamed up nearly a year and a half ago, sought to construct a dystopian art space for their latest collaboration.
Photo area's Elizabeth Claffey talks pet peeves in contemporary photography
“I never want to see another picture of ________.” Industry veterans share their pet peeves on themes in contemporary photography. In this series they present their “rule” along with five photographs that break the rule in an effort to show that great work is the exception to the rule.