The printmaking area at the Eskenazi School of Art, Architecture + Design offers an open, diverse, and holistic course of study based on the individual needs of our broad student population. Students are encouraged to take advantage of IU’s vast resources to realize their creative goals and to work on innovative ventures in other areas and disciplines. The program is committed to pushing the boundaries of print media while not abandoning tradition.
Master traditional + contemporary techniques
Choose from three dynamic degree paths
Extensive printmaking work spaces
With state-of-the-art equipment for printmaking processes, the Studio Arts Annex and Printmaking Studios offer students access to 8,000+ square feet of space, providing state-of-the-art print workshops for each major area—intaglio/relief, lithography, screenprinting, and digital processes.
The printmaking workshops are designed for students to work at any size, in any print media or combination of areas.

B.F.A. + M.F.A. studios
Each B.F.A. and M.F.A. printmaking student is provided a semi-private, air-conditioned studio only steps from the print facilities. In the Studio Arts Annex students have access to a range of equipment and spaces including darkrooms equipped with exposure units, and a vacuum table, as well as a Student Technology Center.
Printmaking Archive
Unique to printmaking at the Eskenazi School of Art, Architecture and Design is the Printmaking Archive. Recognized by IU Libraries, the Printmaking Archive holds more than 3,500 prints completed by graduate students dating back to 1963. The archive is used for teaching and exhibition purposes.
Tools + equipment
Intaglio/Relief workshop
The Intaglio/Relief workshop also includes adjacent grounds and corrosives rooms as well as a general darkroom for photo processes.
- Takach (34"x64”)
- Dameco press (36"x60”)
- American French tool presses (2—48"x76" and 30"x52”)
- Pexto plate cutter
- Rosin Box
- Hotplates (3)
- Paper soaking sink
- Spray booth
- Various brayers
- Large print drying rack
- Light table
- Nu Arc platemaker
Lithography workshop
The lithography workshop also includes an adjacent graining room.
- Lithographic stones (200+)
- Takach litho presses (2—32"x56")
- Charles Brand press (36"x50")
- Hydraulic lift
- Scissor lift
- Large print drying rack
- Leather rollers (11)
- Various rubber rollers
- Graining sink
- Graining levigators of varying sizes (7)
- Light table
- Large print drying rack
Screenprint workshop
The screenprint workshop also includes adjacent yellow light darkroom, exposure room, and washout room.
- Screens of varying sizes (75)
- Large metal screenprint vacuum tables (4—4'x8')
- ATW screen tables (2—33"x48")
- Accuglide screen tables (4—28"x32")
- Oversize Kippax screen table (60"x84")
- Light tables (2)
- American Poly-Lite exposure unit (60"x72")
- Olix flip-top plate exposure unit (62"x72")
- Large print drying racks (3)
- Large washout booths with pressure washers (3)
Teaching support equipment
Digital printing lab:
- Epson 7880—24" large format printing
- Epson P600—24" large format printing
- Canon ProGraf 4600—44" large format printing
- HP LaserJet M806
- Mac workstations (2)
- Humidifier
- Adobe Creative Cloud software
- Microsoft Office software
- Cameo Cutter
- Large Epson Scanner (2)
Paper handling:
- Large mat cutter
- Tables covered in 4'x8' cutting mats (3)
- Numerous self-healing cutting mats
- Shrink Wrap Unit
- Multiple Tear Bars
- Cutting Shears (2)
- Large Drymount Press Masterpiece 550
Additional printshop equipment
- Auxiliary Ventilation Units
- 90 lockers
- 90 flat files
- 3 Mac Workstations
Student Technology Center
- Mac workstations (4)
- Epson scanner 11x17
- Adobe Creative Cloud software
- Microsoft Office software

Left: "Below the Surface" by Katama Murray, digital and collagraph. Top Right: Nichole Wolz, screenprint. Bottom Right: Alyssa Davis, etching.
Inquiry + impression
Students are exposed to all printmaking processes, from 15th-century woodblock to modern practices. Through a rigorous, yet personalized course of study, students develop an individual studio practice.
Visiting artists
Through the McKinney Visiting Artist Series, the printmaking program hosts nationally and internationally recognized artists to meet with students, present their work, and give workshops and individual critiques.
Some of our past visiting artists include:
View upcoming visiting artists
Alumni making their mark

Kristin Sarette
Kristin Sarette earned her M.F.A. in Studio Art from the Indiana University Eskenazi School printmaking area in 2019. They work for Takach Press in roller construction and distribution and are an adjunct faculty at the University of New Mexico. In addition, they have their own press and are establishing an artists' residency.
Learn about careers